Helping families have happy BIRTH days!

Having a baby in DFW?

Our doulas are

experts in happy

BIRTH days.


Your DFW Doulas

Support and expertise for growing families

We understand the excitement and concerns families face through pregnancy, preparation for birth and baby’s first weeks. Our dedicated doulas will walk with you through this time, providing support every step of the way.

Natural Birth in Dallas DFW

Our doulas have been helping DFW families since 2007.

Class Dates & Registration

Need a class? Find them here.

A dou-what??

The real deal about doulas.

Get the FREE Guide

A little doula mojo right now.

Birth Doulas

Having a doula is like bringing Mary Poppins to your birth.

Your doula is a personal assistant, labor whisper and communication diplomat – all rolled into one. It’s a bit like bringing Mary Poppins to your birth (but without the singing).

We support all types of birth with doulas specializing in VBAC, natural birth, pregnancy after infertility, multiples, surrogacy, Cesarean birth and 1st time parents. Every doula on our team is certified, providing an extra level accountability and professionalism.

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Childbirth Classes

With no scary videos.

We believe in evidenced based practices - but we also recognize that nobody knows more about your baby and birth than you. Our Preparing for Birth class is the intersection of evidence and intuition.

We also offer breastfeeding, newborn care and other classes.

Postpartum Doulas

Those first weeks are magical, but also hard. Postpartum doulas make them easier.

Your postpartum doula comes alongside your family allowing you to adjust to life with a newborn and enjoy the precious early weeks of your baby’s life.

And let you SLEEP.

Having someone beside you during those early weeks of your baby(s) life to ask all those new parents questions about feeding your baby, diapers and how much sleep is normal is priceless.

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Postpartum magic with placenta pills.

Dallas Placenta Pills Plano Placenta Encapsulation

Try nature’s way as part of your happy and healing postpartum.

We are the only placenta encapsulators in DFW using medical couriers to transport your placenta. This comes standard in all placenta packages. You may also order our unique transport kit for the easiest and safest way to have your placenta turned into postpartum magic.

Already had your baby? Call 833-PLACENTA

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We believe birth matters. We also believe…

Coffee, even decaf, makes most things better.

“Be Prepared” isn’t just a good Scout motto.

You will always remember the day you gave birth.

You only birth this baby once. Make it a happy BIRTH day.

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Get to know us on Instagram


 Are you a certified doula, educator or lactation professional looking to join our team?

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You might have seen us around…

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